
A Guide to Vegetarian Restaurants in Santiago de Chile


The gastronomical options for vegetarians in Santiago become wider and more affordable everyday. Several restaurants offer meat-free menus with tasty and fresh dishes that do not only draw the vegetarian’s attention, but also the general public’s.

El Huerto

One of this restaurants is “El huerto”, or “The Vegetable Garden”, located in Orrego Luco 054, Providencia. Its menu presents vegan alternatives and it incorporates international dishes as well, which makes this place an attractive option.

“El Huerto is characterized by having vegetarian dishes from all over the world,” stated its administrator, Alejandra Escobar, to CNN Chile. “We are like an ecologycal center where we have different activites. For example, in the second floor of this mansion vegan cooking and vegan bakery classes are taught and we also have yoga classes that have been taught for many years.”


The gourmet proposal in this guide is the Quínoa restaurant, located in Luis Pasteur 5393, Vitacura. It opens every morning at 8 am and offers breakfasts that follow their food philosophy.

“We prepare really Chilean style vegetarian breakfasts. The avocado is one of the main ingredients. We also have happy chicken eggs and organic farm eggs. We bake our own brown bread, and we make our own jams and granola with fruits and yoghurt. So, everything is homemade,” says Sol Fliman, the restaurant’s founder.

El naturista

With 87 years of tradition, El naturista, or “The Naturist”, was one of the pioneer restaurants that followed this gastronomic tendency in the capital. It has three branches located in Moneda street, Huérfanos street, and Vitacura district.

“We are a great work team, so the dishes are prepared at the moment people order them. It takes no longer than three minutes,” affirms the chef Raúl Campos. In addition, Manuel Pezo, the restaurant’s administrator, recommends the house’s classic: “the Antipasto is a filling and healthy dish which contains your choice of cheese, like cottage cheese. It also has palm hearts, sparraguses, avocado, and lettuce. Its a healthy and filling dish.”

These are alternatives for all tastes and budgets, and also for the ones who don’t eat meat or simply for the ones who are looking for a healthier and fresher diet.

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